General Information

Full Name Xuanyu Tian
Date of Birth Aug. 1999
Languages English, Mandarin


  • 2021
    ShanghaiTech University, Shanghai, China
    • Computer Science and Technology
    • Advisor Yuyao Zhang
  • 2017
    Wuhan Univeristy of Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China
    • Computer Science and Technology


  • 2021/11-Now
    Self-supervised Image Denoising for Biomedical images.
    • Proposed a self-supervised image denoising framework Noise2SR.
    • Theoretical proved that a denoised image can be generated from a sub-sampled noisy image using whole noisy image supervision which is equivalent to using clean signal as supervision.
    • Experiment results show that Noise2SR outperforms SOTA self-supervised denoising methods (Noise2Self, Neighbor2Neighbor) in real fluorescence microscopy and MRI image noise removal.
  • 2022/01 - Now
    Zero-shot Learning for High Resolution Electron Microscopy (HREM).
    • Proposed a zero-shot learning self-supervised denoising framework for noisy HREM images.
    • Outperformed self-supervised SOTA zero-shot methods (Self2Self, FBI-Denoiser) in ultra-low SNR HREM image scenarios

Other Interests

  • Hobbies: Football