Xuanyu Tian


I am Xuanyu Tian (田烜宇 in Chinese), a forth-year Ph.D. student in SMILE Lab:smiley: at ShanghaiTech University (Shanghai, China), advised by Prof. Yuyao Zhang. Before that, I received my B.E. degree at Wuhan University of Technology in 2021.

I am interested in a variety of topics in medical image reconstruction and image restoration. My current research focuses include:

  • Computational Imaging;
  • Inverse Problems;
  • Self-supervised Learning;
  • Medical Imaging.

See more in the detailed CV.


Sep 5, 2024 One paper was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Compuational Imaging (IEEE TCI) :tada:
May 14, 2024 One paper was accepted by MICCAI 2024 :tada:
Feb 3, 2024 One paper was accepted by IEEE ISBI 2024 :tada:
Mar 2, 2023 One paper was accepted by IEEE ISBI 2023 :tada:
Sep 18, 2022 One paper was accepted by MICCAI 2022 :tada:

selected publications

* denotes the co-first author

    Zero-Shot Image Denoising for High-Resolution Electron Microscopy
    Xuanyu Tian, Zhuoya Dong, Xiyue Li, Yue Gao, Hongjiang Wei, Yanhang Ma, Yu Jingyi, and Yuyao Zhang
    IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 2024
  2. ISBI 2023

    Self-supervised High-Dimensional Magnetic Resonance Image Denoising Using Super-resolved Single Noisy Image
    Changhao Jiang*,  Xuanyu Tian*, Yanbin Li, Jiangjie Wu, Xin Mu, Lei Zhang, and Yuyao Zhang
    IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging 2023
  3. MICCAI 2022

    Noise2SR: Learning to Denoise from Super-Resolved Single Noisy Fluorescence Image
    Xuanyu Tian, Qing Wu, Hongjiang Wei, and Yuyao Zhang
    Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention 2022